Hey 2019,

2 min readJan 1, 2020

What an year you had been! Unbelievably magical and stupendous. A true milestone in my life. The year did begin with shit hitting the fan.
You were tough. My articleship got extended at a time when I had failed both the groups of CA final. Parents had lost hope. Relatives had started asking shit. Most of my frnds had cleared and made it to the top MNCs and big 4.

But you taught me strength and perseverance all over again. You taught me how to made nimboo pani with all the lemons that were thrown at me.

By second half of the year, I qualified as a Chartered Accountant, completed my articleship and made it to one of India's fastest growing start-ups. You were not very easy on me, I must say. I was grinded and toasted and humiliated throughout.

You made me realise that nothing is permanent and nothing should ever be taken for granted. No good shortlistings for me at campus and yet beating a huge chunk of qualified CAs into grabbing the offer letter was one of the major highlights of the year.

But then it didn’t end there, you see. Taking the most difficult decision of getting out of my comfort zone to working in a altogether different city and job profile independently was the next big challenge. The first paycheck that came was something altogether unimaginable a couple of months back. And then my first NYE camping trip to this exotic place Sakleshpur was altogether crazy by itself.

You have taught me so many things this year. I grew more matured and aware of things around. Learnt the art of keeping my shit together. Slumber and laziness were the next items on the list. Altogether, you were all awesome year, now that I can connect to dots looking backwards.

And as we move forward into 2020, I promise to always remain a humble learner and channelise my anger and aggression into better ways!! Kudos!




Chartered Accountant. Financial Analyst. Uncategorized investor, lazy bum. Writer by accident.