New E-comm Trends in 2021

2 min readFeb 24, 2021

We are really seeing some really new trends emerging in E-commerce and digital spaces.

  1. The DIY Wave: While companies like Amazon continue to grow as large as it gets, making overall marketplaces a duopoly of sorts in most markets, there is another trend. Of companies who hate these “aggressors”. For simplicity, let’s call it the DIY wave. Just in India itself: Against the likes of “Amazon”, you have “Shopify” selling shovels to companies like Kylie and Raymonds. While in food delivery, you have Rapido and Dunzo entering as under-dogs for restaurants to Swiggy and Zomato.
  2. The Entertainment- Ecomm reversals: Until now, ecomm has focussed on entertaining people, so as to increase engagement. Remember, how zomato and swiggy lets you watch netflix trailers or even play games after you have ordered or flipkart and amazon putting in spin balls and lottery tickets in their app. The reversal is also happening real quick. Social ecomm is poised to take a huge chunk of the total online shopping space, suing Insta and whatsapp as a base. Not just that, entertainment platforms are using AI to launch “Shop within videos”, which basically change the way and item people shop online.

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Chartered Accountant. Financial Analyst. Uncategorized investor, lazy bum. Writer by accident.